[Newsletter] Balance & Boundaries with the Six of Pentacles

My latest Tarot Newsletter is out, this time featuring the Six of Pentacles as the Card of the Month. For ideas on how to share meaningfully while maintaining balance and boundaries, go to bit.ly/TNJan2020 😊✨

Away meditating until January 24, 2020

I’m away on my annual Vipassana Meditation course at Dhamma Bhumi, Blackheath, from January 13-24, 2020. I will have no phone or email contact during this time. If you wish to book in to see me upon my return, I will start responding to messages from January 25 onwards. Best wishes, Sarah

Tarot Reading for the Collective ~ January 2020: Gaian Tarot

Dear Collective, It’s a new year, and community and resilience is on my mind. In the last Tarot Reading for the Collective for 2019, I wrote that I was thinking of those living on burning lands as I was writing, but that my hope was that anyone could resonate, no matter where they lived. Now, … Continue reading