[Tarot Newsletter] Scintillating Success with the Six of Wands; Last Tarot Classes for the Year & Chai news!

My latest Tarot Newsletter is out, this time featuring the Six of Wands as Card of the Month. To learn how to wisely acknowledge and enjoy moments of success go to bit.ly/TNOct19 🌟

Tarot Reading for the Collective: October 2019: The Fantastic Menagerie Tarot

Dear Collective, This month I am using a delightfully quirky tarot deck, The Fantastic Menagerie Tarot by Karen Mahony & Alex Ukolov. Based on the work of Victorian artist J.J. Grandville, the images reflect those of the traditional Waite-Smith Deck but with their own twist. The questions for this month are: What do we need to … Continue reading