[Tarot Newsletter] Tarot Classes; Antidote Festival & the welcome sight of the Nine of Pentacles

My latest Tarot Newsletter is live, this time featuring the Nine of Pentacles as the Card of the Month. To discover ways of welcoming this abundant archetype into your life, as well as information about my latest Tarot Classes and my upcoming appearance at the Antidote Festival at the Sydney Opera House, go to bit.ly/TNJun19 … Continue reading

Tarot Reading for the Collective ~ June 2019: Dark Goddess Tarot

Dear Collective, This month I am using the Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, because a) I love this deck, and b) from the four options on my table, nearly all my clients chose to use this deck last month. The Goddesses speak! This month’s questions are: What do we need to be less nostalgic … Continue reading