[Tarot Newsletter] Embodying the Fabulousness of the King of Wands

My latest Tarot Newsletter is out, featuring the fabulousness of the King of Wands, and more news from my Divination Bike. Read it here! bit.ly/TNJul16

In which my Tarot Bicycle is hijacked for a cause to which I do not subscribe

All sorts of things happen to my flowery tarot bicycle while I leave it chained to random poles around Sydney. Sometimes I hear people ringing my bike bells as I sit in my nearby tarot office, or I walk past my bike on my lunch break to see people posing with it for Instagram photos, … Continue reading

Tarot Reading for the Collective ~ July 2016

Dear readers, welcome to this month’s Tarot Reading for the Collective, and welcome to the Tarot de St. Croix by Lisa de St. Croix. I had had my eye on this beautiful contemporary multi-cultural tarot deck for quite some time, and it was on my To-Buy list when I went to Readers Studio in NYC … Continue reading